About Grey Power

Grey Power Federation was founded in February 1986 as a voluntary organisation.
Those involved in the early days were angry at the imposition of the surcharge on New Zealand Superannuation.
Originally formed as the Auckland Superannuitants Association, Grey Power has grown nationally and gone from strength to strength. Today there are about 60,000 financial members that stem from more than 75 Associations that are spread throughout the country.
In simplistic terms we are actually a Lobby groupGoogle defines a lobby group as “A group of people who band together and try to influence people in public office and politicians. Usually involves direct, face-to-face contact
which we do by representation and at our meetings.

About Morrinsville Grey Power

Morrinsville Grey Power promotes the welfare and well-being of the 50 plus age group. Our mission is to be the appropriate voice for all issues affecting this mature aged group.

Our membership has been steadily increasing enabling us to have a very strong voice in our local community.

We are active participants in a nationwide organisation that has over 60,000 members.

Our strength is in our numbers. Simply by being a member you give us Power!

To get in touch, please visit our Contact Page

Grey Power’s Aims and Objectives
  • To advance, support and protect the welfare and well-being of New Zealand’s mature aged group
  • To affirm and protect that statutory right of every New Zealand resident, to a sufficient New Zealand Superannuation entitlement
  • To strive for a provision of a quality Health Care to all New Zealand residents regardless of income and location
  • To oppose all discriminatory and disadvantageous legislation affecting rights, security and dignity
  • To be non-aligned with any political party, and to present a strong united lobby to all. Be it Parliament, Local Bodies or statutory groups on matters affecting mature New Zealanders
  • To promote and establish links with kindred organizations
  • To promote recognition of the wide-ranging services provided to senior citizens of New Zealand
Grey Power Achievements

A brief overview of some results that Grey Power has been effective in achieving:


  1. Removal of the Surtax
  2. Asset Testing Legislation being Phased Out
  3. Lower doctors’ Fees
  4. Lower Pharmacy Fees
  5. Removal Over 80’s Driving Tests
  6. Removal Simulated Driving Tests by Occupational Therapists
  7. Lower Tariff Electricity
  8. Superannuation Increased to 66% NATOTWW (net after tax ordinary time weekly wage)
  9. Rate Rebate Scheme revitalised and more recently extended to include retirement village residents
  10. Independent Superannuation & Income Centres
  11. Improved Regulations for Rest Homes
  12. Code of Practice for Rest Homes
  13. Abolition of Interest on Student Loans
  14. The National Superannuation Adjustment for the Tax Cuts in the 2008 Budget is a long awaited recognition by a major political party of the plight of the elderly reliant on NZ Superannuation
  15. Hearing aid subsidy increased
  16. Rates Rebate Scheme indexed to CPI. Amount now $580 (originally $500) and threshold now $23,240 (from 20,000 originally)
  17. Spot Audits for Rest Homes
  18. Retention of Graduating Doctors – (Student Loan)
  19. Lowering Electricity Increase for ETS
  20. Retention of SuperGold Card Off-Peak Travel
  21. Retention of SuperGold Card Waiheke Island Ferry Travel
  22. Increased funding for Gloucoma operations
  23. Annual clothing allowance for grandparents raising grandchildren (In conjunction with Grandparents raising Grandchildren)
  24. Winter Energy Payment
  25. Security doors on most Council owned pensioner flats

Morrinsville Committee

President Ron Tuck (07) 889-7231
Secretary Bryan Frost 022 0302300
Treasurer Sheree Blackwood 020 41637076
Welfare Helen Beggs 027 2177 383
Membership/Website Jim Lyne (07) 889-1667
Mike Gribble (07) 889-5472
Carole Greenville (07) 889-3244
Sandra Upson (07) 889-3663
Sonia Johnson 027 240-3333

Every Body’s Op-Shop Roster:  Mary Ford (07) 889 0014